Niklas Nienaß (online)

Member of the European Parliament
Niklas Nienaß

Niklas Nienaß is Member of the European Parliament for The Greens/EFA.

He grew up in Aachen, only a few kilometres away from the Belgium and Dutch border. Since 2013 he lives in Rostock, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania – the northeastern seaside state that shares an island with Poland. In 2020 he finished his master studies in Good Governance with a thesis on internaRonal space law. The focus of his poliRcal work lies on strengthening European cohesion through regional development and cultural policy. Further prioriRes are the topics youth and space. Niklas is commiSed to thinking climate protecRon and social jusRce together, to provide beSer legal protecRon and social security for arRsts and creaRves and to develop the European Union into a federal state. In addiRon to his work in the CommiSees for Regional Development (REGI), Culture and EducaRon (CULT) and ConsRtuRonal Affairs (AFCO), he has iniRated several extra-parliamentary projects. He is co-founder of the Cultural Creators Friendship Group, the RUMRA & Smart Village Intergroup and the Youth Interest Group. Last but not least, he is also a member of the European Parliament delegaRons for Central Asia and Mongolia and Afghanistan.